Wednesday, February 18, 2009

EC Glass Band E-Blast, Week of 2-16-09

This year, EC Glass is hosting District Festival, Thursday through Saturday, March 4-6, 9:00am – 9:00pm Thursday & Friday; 9:00am – 2:00pm Saturday. Fifty high school bands from all over the region will be coming to town to play for the judges. This is what the band classes work toward all year, and serves as their SOL score for the year.

We especially need your help during the school day on the 4th & 5th, for jobs like Registration, Assisting Judges, Hospitality, Facilities, and Stage Crew. This is when most of the Bands will be competing. Evening and Saturday slots are also available.

We are hosting Festival this year in order to save on transportation costs. We need the participation of as many parents as possible to make things run smoothly. Please consider taking the time to come out and show everyone in the district our famous EC Glass hospitality. If you work, ask your employer if they will give you time off for volunteer service at your child’s school. CONTACT Heather Knopp: or 386-2225 to sign up!

In preparation for Festival, Wind Ensemble is having Required Sectionals (each section must hold one sectional per week of 20-30 minutes) that can be done at lunch, during channel one, or after school at the section's convenience. This is in effect until Festival is over. These will be graded based on participation.GRADED AFTER-SCHOOL REHEARSALS & PERFORMANCESWind Ensemble: Mon, Feb. 23 & Mon, March 2 after school until 4:00Symphonic Band: Tuesday, Feb 24 & Tues, March 3 after school until 4:00Pre-Festival Concert, Wed March 4 @ 7:00 pmFestival Performances for ECG groups--TBA March 5 and 6

The ECG Indoor Percussion Theatre (IPT) is in the midst of their competitive season with their production of “The Kindred”. They recently traveled to Powhattan HS to perform for a critique-only show and received great comments from the judges there. The students then stepped it up in a competition at Franklin County HS this past weekend. Led by Captains Callie Dupree, Evan Mickles, Hank Hoffman, and Justin Wooldridge, they placed 3rd out of 8 in competition. Finishing behind National powerhouse Bassett and the 3 time AIA champ Jefferson Forest, the percussion program clearly placed themselves among the elite in our Atlantic Indoor Circuit. Check out the blog for more info: , and see their 1/31/09 performance here:

“We received really positive comments from all the judges so far this year. We are at a place now with the show that we just need to polish it until it shines for the championships at the end of March,” says Russ Pawlas, Director

The ECG Percussion Theatre rehearse at EC Glass once a week on Monday evenings from 6-9. Feel free to come check it out any time or come to one of the few remaining performances:
~February 28th Deep Run HS in Richmond, VA
~March 26th Parent Home Show, LMS
~March 27th & 28th AIA Indoor Championships, NOVA

More parent help is needed to travel with the IPT to help set-up the many props that make the show so fantastic! They are only allowed a few minutes before and after each performance to set-up and take down, so your assistance would be much appreciated!

Visual Performance Ensemble placed 6th out of 13 units in the Scholastic Regional A division at Powhatan HS on Saturday, January 31st. Originally, there were going to be two VPE units this year; one unit competing in the Middle School division and the other in SRA. Right at the start of the season, it was evident by the talent and work ethic of the 6th and 7th graders that all involved would benefit by combining into one competitive unit. The leadership of the high school members has grown exponentially by working with the younger students.
Visual Performance Ensemble recently performed at half-time for the ECG Varsity Girl’s Basketball game v. Liberty HS on February 10th. The community response to this performance has been very positive. VPE has already been asked to perform again next year at any home basketball game! In case you missed this performance, you can see Visual Performance Ensemble perform their “RAIN” show at Linkhorne Middle School on Thursday, March 26 at 7:00pm or Friday, March 27 at Jefferson Forest High School.
Check out our web page for more info, photos and schedules:
On Saturday, February 28, VPE travels to Deep Run HS to again compete in the SRA class. Competing in the largest AIA class, VPE hopes to stay in the top 50%. Their season will culminate with an overnight trip to AIA Championships in Woodbridge, VA on March 28-29th.
Mrs. Lipford and Ms. Guske would like to thank all of the parents who have helped get VPE off to a successful start. From designing the show logo to helping with stage make-up to pulling the gym floor cover out, or cheering in the stands at performances, parents are an integral part of this production! Please see Mrs. Lipford if you can offer your help.

We still need the following:

Bottled water and snacks for competition days
Remaining membership dues or donations to buy equipment (more umbrellas and flag bags)
Remaining membership dues or donations to buy props
Anyone with a trailer hitch willing to take it to and/or from competitions

The Indoor Programs will be holding a Rock Band Fundraiser on March 20th, at Linkhorne Middle School. The Students will be selling tickets and also signing up bands and individuals to participate in the event. All the participants will perform multiple times and scores will be kept until we have a final champion! The competition is open to anyone, not just band students, so spread the word!! We are currently looking for some businesses to sponsor this event and would appreciate parental assistance and volunteers! Contact Mr. Pawlas for more info:

Concession items are needed for the Rock Band competition that the indoor drumline is sponsoring on March 20. They would like to sell different snack items during this event. Russ Pawlas is looking for parents who would be willing to send in cases of individual canned/bottle drinks, baked goods, single-serving bags of chips, money, etc. to help with this. If you can contribute, please contact Lori Smith at

BOOSTER OFFICER NOMINATIONS for the 2009 – 2010 Band Year
The ECG Band Boosters are now taking nominations for elected officers and committee chairs for the upcoming band year. If you are interested in making this kind of contribution to the Band program, or if you know another parent who would be qualified, please contact incoming Booster President, Laura Bailey: or 384-1557

The Band Boosters meets the second Tuesday of each month in the Band Room to plan events, discuss the budget, and hear reports from the Band Director and various committees. If you would like to find out more about our extensive and busy organization, feel free to join us! Our next meeting is March 10th.

On Saturday March, 14th, 9am – Noon, we are going to clean out the “guard & percussion hallway”. It’s been a while since we’ve decluttered, and after a busy band season, it needs a little sprucing up. Can you come out and help us? Many hands make light work!

We’re looking for a few folks to help “decorate” the band room in preparation for Festival. We want to spiff up the place and show off some of our trophies and banners. Contact: Ellen Agnew or 384-5767; or Gail Lawson or 384-6743.

Save it for the Booster Yard Sale, scheduled for the end of Marching Band Tech Week in June. (Date and Time TBA) As you’re doing your spring cleaning, hang on to those great household items and bring them to school during Tech Week. The only clothing accepted will be infant and toddler. If you love yard sales and want to help with this project, contact Laura Bailey: or 384-1557

This will be our fundraising event during the Spring Concert, on May 28th. We will be auctioning off a small number of very nice items, and raffling off a beautiful, music-themed quilt made by our very own Susie Wassum. Donations for the auction are now being taken. For more information or to suggest a donor, Contact Heather Knopp:,
or 386-2225

More Fundraisers are in the works! Keep your eye on the E-blasts for more info!